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School Nutrition

Healthy Children

All children need good nutrition to grow and develop to their full potential. Children, like adults, naturally come in different body shapes and sizes; however a child who is overweight or obese should see their medical doctor for assessment and follow up. 

Canada’s Food Guide 

The 2019 Canada's Food Guide and a wealth of reliable nutrition information are available at Health Canada’s website

Implementing the School Nutrition Guidelines 

Schools must apply the Guidelines to all food or beverages sold to students in British Columbia public schools and at all school-sanctioned events.
All public schools in BC are required to ensure that the food and beverages sold to students meet the criteria set out in the Guidelines.

School Nutrition Guidelines apply to all school-sanctioned events where food is sold, including:    School Nutrition Guidelines
do not apply to:

  • School stores and tuck shops
  • Vending machines
  • Special lunches 
  • Bake Sales
  • Fun Fairs, Carnivals and similar events
  • Sports Days
  • Food Trucks
  • Anything sold as a fundraiser to students for their consumption, e.g. popcorn sales, treat days
  • Food and beverages sold to students during events or on field trips (even when off campus)
  • All Breakfast Clubs and Lunch Programs

These Guidelines apply to everyone selling food to students, at all locations.

  • Lunches and snacks brought from home
  • Food and beverages brought to school by parents that are not sold to students
  • Food prepared by students as part of class projects and consumed by students without being purchased.
  • Food and beverages sold to adults (not students) as fundraisers
  • Fund-raising by adults to adults


These foods do not meet the standards in the BC Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales and cannot be sold. This is not a complete list. 

  • Candy, and other confections made of sugar like Cotton Candy, lollipops, etc. 
  • Soft drinks, sports drinks and waters with added sugar
  • Fruit drinks that contain less than 100% fruit juice and have added sugar (fruit punches and cocktails)
  • Pastry, tarts, pies, doughnuts, sweet pastries and similar foods that are high in sugar and/or fat
  • Cookies and baked goods made with recipes that have not be adapted to reduce sugar and fat content.
  • Sugar-coated popcorn
  • Chocolates and chocolate bars
  • Fruit snacks made with added sugar
  • Gelatin desserts made with sugar
  • Processed cheese spread and processed cheese slices.
  • Fried Foods of any kind, including Fried Potato Chips, Fried French Fries, Fried Onion Rings,
  • Fried Desserts
  • Instant Noodle Soups
  • Pizza with high amounts of fat from oiled crusts, extra cheese and/or meat toppings
  • Extra salad dressing, mayonnaise or rich sauces
  • Very salty foods and ingredients like cured meats, pickles, soups, and foods sprinkled with added salt like potato chips and crackers.
  • Any foods or beverages that are "super-sized"

The Guidelines for Food and Beverage Sales in BC Schools are available at:

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